Title: “My Experience in Dealing with Canine Impactions”
40 minutes
Ectopic teeth are not an infrequent encounter in orthodontic practice. These cases could be encountered in a variety of situations and impaction, transposition and mal position are only examples. The orthodontist is sometimes faced with a variety of treatment options and the decision is usually based on the position and the risk factors.
Treatment plan for complete transposition of the canine often entails keeping the canines in its erupting position, accepting the transposition and finishing the treatment accordingly and in conjunction with other complementary dental procedures. The great antero-posterior distance of canine movement in order to correct the teeth order in cases of complete transposition is sometime a challenge. Factors that will help potentiate the success of correction should be carefully considered while planning the treatment of such cases.
The orthodontists should be able to handle and is responsible for dealing with each and all of these issues.

Abbas R. Zaher
Short Biography
DDS, University of Alexandria 1981
MS orthodontics, University of Alexandria 1986
PhD Orthodontics, University of Iowa, USA and University of Alexandria, Egypt 1992
Visiting Fellow to the University of Iowa USA, 1989 – 91
Professor and past-Chairman, Department of Orthodontics at the University of Alexandria
International Ad-Honorem Professor, Department of Orthodontics, University Del Valle, Cali – Colombia. 2021
- President, the Egyptian Orthodontic Society
- Past Vice-President of the World Federation of Orthodontists
- Founding Member in the Arab Orthodontic Society
- International Member, the American Association of Orthodontists.
- Member of The European Orthodontic Society
- Fellow in the International College of Dentists
- Fellow Pierre Fauchard Academy
- Made numerous lectures in national and international universities and conferences.
- Have more than 60 scientific publications in Egyptian and international journals.`
Awards and Honors:
- Received the Helen and B. F. Dewel Clinical Orthodontic Award for the best Clinical Article in the American Journal of Orthodontics and Dentofacial Orthopedics, 1995.
- Honorary Member in the Romanian Association for Excellence in Orthodontics
- Honorary Life Member in the Greek Orthodontic Society
- Honorary Member in the Azerbaijanian Professional Orthodontic Society
- Receiver of the Special Achievement Award from the Macedonian Orthodontic Society
- Honorary member in The Asociacion Mexicana De Ortodontcia
- The World Federation of Orthodontists “Regional Award of Merit”, 2018
- Recipient of Alexandria University Award of Merit in the Medical field, 2022