The Romanian Association for Excellence in Orthodontics ensures the continuous training of its members through specialized courses held by professors from the most prestigious universities in the world, international congresses on the topic of the latest discoveries in the field, etc. 

To find out more about the AREO and the benefits of becoming a member, visit areo2000.ro

15.04 2023 – Abstract submission closes
15.04. 2023 – Early bird registration deadline
18.05 2023 – 9 am – 5 pm Pre-Congress course Faculty of Dentistry UMFST G E Palade Tg. Mures
18.05 2023 – 6 pm Opening Ceremony National Theater

18.05.2023 – 8 pm Welcome Cocktail, National Theater
18-20 May 2023 – Main congress  UNIX congress center UMFST

19.05.2023 – 8 pm Gala Diner, Hotel Plaza