
Modern society, dominated by the media and social networks, leads patients to request orthodontic treatments and expect results that restore not only the functionality of the dento-maxillary apparatus but also the aesthetics. This presentation aims to illustrate the elements that must be analysed when fixed orthodontic appliances are used, to ensure the preservation of the tooth enamel mineral and chromatic characteristics.

During bonding and debonding, an uneven looking enamel surface with micro-lesions and chalky white spots as a result of demineralization is frequently observed. A gradual decrease in the mineral content at the level of the prismatic structures represents the initial stage of enamel demineralization. This process can be controlled by early detection of enamel surface changes and application of remineralizing products. Permanent motivation and training of the patient in order to comply with an appropriate and personalized oral hygiene algorithm, reduces the individual cries risk and ensures the maintenance of the tooth enamel colour.

Fluoride, calcium phosphate, nano hydroxyl-apatite, enzymes and peptides are frequently used in enamel remineralization products, each preparation having specific indications, designed to meet various requirements.

The purpose of this presentation is to illustrate, through in vitro studies and clinical cases, the effect of commercially available products and some new preparations on the characteristics of tooth enamel, both structurally and chromatically.

To meet the demands of modern dentistry, remineralization preparations must increase the mineral content, prevent dental caries, preserve the chromatic features, reduce roughness and ensure the restoration of the morphological and structural characteristics of the enamel after orthodontic treatment

Key words: tooth enamel, remineralization, demineralization



Alexandrina Muntean

Associate Professor, Pedodontics Discipline, Department II-Conservative Dentistry, Faculty of Dentistry, “Iuliu Hatieganu” University, Cluj Napoca, Romania.

Head of the Pedodontics Discipline; Residency coordinator for the Pedodontics Specialty; Courses-with the students from 4th and 6th year-Dentistry study Program, residents; Clinical activity with students from 4th and 6th year – Dentistry study Program-Romanian and French section. Scientific work includes books (3) and book chapters (8), articles as author/ co-author (ISI indexed-35, BDI indexed-37), articles in summary (45), conferences (21) and presentations at scientific events.