Title: Class III Malocclusions-A Challenge from Historic to Modern Times



Class III malocclusions suggest that the mandible has acquired a more mesial position in relation to the maxilla and/or cranial base due to an underdevelopment of maxilla or a prognathic mandible. Similar to most of the malocclusions and dentofacial deformities, the etiology of Class III malocclusion is multifactorial. The specter of problems of Class III malocclusion ranges in gravity from dentoalveolar problems with functional anterior shift of the mandible to true skeletal problems with serious maxillomandibular discrepancies, which leads to its highly challenging diagnosis. Treatment of Class III problems remains a challenge in our profession and sometimes it is impossible without associated orthognathic surgery. Nevertheless, early and accurate diagnosis, associated with interceptive treatment may be helpful to reduce the extent of burden for severe Class III malocclusion in late adolescence and adulthood. The presentation wishes to synthetize the steps for diagnosis and treatments of Class III malocclusions throughout the history of orthodontics till present times.


Dental physician in the specialty Orthodontics and Dento-Facial Orthopedics

Associate Professor within the Discipline of Dental Propaedeutics and Aesthetics in the Faculty of Dental Medicine of the University of Medicine and Pharmacy “Iuliu Hatieganu” Cluj-Napoca

Graduated the Faculty of Dental Medicine in 2008, obtained the Master in Oral Rehabilitation and Dental Medicine in 2010, the PhD in 2014 with the thesis “Investigations on the impact of orthodontic treatment on the dental-facial aesthetics” made under the coordination of the UMF Cluj-Napoca in collaboration with UFR Dentistry, Bordeaux, France. She is a specialist in the fields of Orthodontics and Dental-Facial Orthopedics since 2012, senior specialist since 2017 and, therefore, her main topics of interest and research have combined orthodontics, aesthetics, dental materials, and morphology. She received scholarships at the University of Marseille (3 months in 2006) and the University of Bordeaux (6 months in 2009 and 3 months in 2013) in France. She attended orthodontic training courses in the USA, France, Italy and Romania. Presently she has authored more than 80 articles and book chapters and has held more than 170 scientific presentations throughout the world in National and International Congresses.