Title: The importance of diagnosis in orthodontic treatment with aligners. Why FAS aligners?
The main goal when a patient wants orthodontic treatment is to take into account the main request of the patient, the appropriate investigations and the complete documentation of the case. Establishing a treatment plan that takes into account the combination of all the above is very important to exceed the patient’s expectations. Recently, orthodontic treatments with aligners have gained impressive momentum, being various techniques and manufacturers, each with its own advantages and challenges. Also, patients are informed and turn to us with a request for treatment with aligners. In my practice, the first step when it comes to any orthodontic treatment is a correct diagnosis, which is based on correct investigations. Then the therapeutic decision, which method we use to achieve the objectives of the treatment plan, depends on several factors: the treatment philosophy and biomechanics used by the specialist, the physical, mental and financial availability of the patient.
In my presentation I will talk about some key points when we choose the option of orthodontic treatment with aligners, which is the method of diagnosis and planning of the case, and how we approach this treatment option in front of the patient. FAS aligners, my treatment option, have an important goal in mind: ideal masticatory function and orthopedic stability, both vital to achieve a long-term stable occlusal and joint relationship.
Dr. Andreea Biriș (Jianu)
She attended the “Victor Papilian” Faculty of Medicine in Sibiu, between 2005-2011, and then completed the residency program in Orthodontics at the Sibiu County Hospital, obtaining specialization in 2014.
From the first years of college and after, she participated in countless courses in the field of dental medicine, and in the 2nd year of residency (2012) she started the FACE program – Functional And Cosmetic Excellence – a complex program in orthodontic techniques. The FACE treatment philosophy she embraced includes a complex and comprehensive approach to orthodontic cases, with an interdisciplinary approach of treatment plans.
The question we often ask ourselves is “Is it possible to achieve all the goals of a treatment plan by doing only orthodontics?” The answer is almost always “NO” and this is why we need to work in a team environment with other dental professionals by our side. This concept motivated her to found the UNIQUE SMILE Dental Care Center in Sibiu in 2014 – an interdisciplinary dental clinic, with 4 offices and an integrated 3D radiology laboratory, a center that approaches a digitized workflow in current practice.
She is currently enjoying successful results in orthodontic cases, participates at events as a speaker, with case presentations both in Romania and abroad.