Title: “Trends in Dento-maxillary Anomalies Orthodontic Diagnosis and Treatment


Clinical studies for better treatment and comprehensive diagnosis are becoming part of current practice of orthodontists in our country and the need for guidelines to enhance the standard of care, becomes more required. The aim of this paper is to bring into attention the neccesity and to understand the importance of paraclinical and clinical investigations availabile. Healthcare providers should have possibility and instruments, like guidelines to answer specific questions in day-to-day practice and as an information source for continuing professional education.

Dr. Cristian Romanec is Associate Professor at the Department of Orthodontics, University of  Medicine  and  Pharmacy  “Gr.T.Popa”  Iasi.  He  graduated  in  1995  from Faculty  of  Dentistry,  University  of  Medicine  and  Pharmacy  of  Iasi  and  he became a specialist in Orthodontics in 2005. Dr Romanec completed his PhD studies in  2008 at  the University  of Medicine  and  Pharmacy  “Gr.T.Popa”  Iasi, Romania and he has published numerous papers related to his main research interests, Class II Angle anomalies, Comparative study and treatment.  He attended many courses and internships in  Romania, UK and USA and he had oral presentations  in national and international conferences. He is active member of AREO, Romanian Orthodontic Association.