Efficiency, Aesthetics and Knowledge-based digital transformation in the Straight-Wire Treatment Philosophy
This lecture is designed for the orthodontist who is willing to optimize his clinical approach under the efficiency and aesthetic stand points; and how to identify and prioritize the technological opportunities that may help the orthodontist in treating complex cases.
Several treatment modalities and clinical strategies can be used to treat orthodontic patients, however a non-systematic approach may lead to acceptable but not excellent clinical outcomes.
The aim of this lecture is to provide clinical guidelines to solve complex orthodontic cases according to the straight-wire principles and to digital technologies knowledge. A series of cases and treatment stages will be accurately showed to explain how the aesthetic and finishing goals were achieved.
Eficienta, estetica si transformarea digitala bazata pe cunostinte in cadrul filozofiei de tratament Straight-Wire
Aceasta prezentare este conceputa pentru medicii ortodonti care doresc isi optimizeze abordarea clinica din punct de vedere al eficientei si esteticii, dar si pentru a identifica si prioritiza oportunitatile tehnologice care il pot ajuta sa trateze cazuri complexe.
Se pot utiliza cateva modalitati de tratament si strategii clinic pentru a trata pacientii, insa o abordare non-sistematica poate conduce la rezultate acceptabile, insa nu excelente.
Scoup acestei prezentari este acela de a oferi ghiduri clinic pentru a rezolva cazuri ortodontice complexe in conformitate cu principiile straight-wire si cunostintele tehnologiei digitale. O serie de cazuri si etape de tratament vor fi prezentate in mod amanuntit pentru a explica modul in care se pot obtine obiectivele estetice side finisare.

Prof. Dr. Davide MIRABELLA
Dr. Mirabella was born in Catania (Italy) on July 10,1966
Dental Degree (DDS) 1989 University of Catania
Certificate in Orthodontics 1993 University of Washington (Seattle,WA)
Master of Science in Dentistry 1993 University of
Washington (Seattle,Wa)
From 1994 practice limited to orthodontics in Catania
1-year Postdoctoral Program in Lingual Orthodontics 1995 University of Cagliari.
Specialist in Orthodontics (Italian Degree) 2000 University
Adjunct Professor 2003 Dept of Orthodontics University of Ferrara President 2015 Italian Academy of Orthodontics
Active Member of SIDO, International Member of AAO and Founder Member of SIAD
(Italian Straight Wire Society) and Accademia Italiana di Ortodonzia
Former Active Member Angle Society of Europe
Practice limited to orthodontics
Speaker at national and international orthodontic meetings
Author of publications in national and international orthodontic journals.