Mini implants are universal of anchorage problems?

Results and failures in my praxis



In the presentation I will discuss the different applications of sceletal anchorage.. The lectureshows some typical and untypical cases, evaluated the advantages and problems of technic.

It will discussed the reasons and rate of failures, compared with datas in other publications.


Aim: Miniscrews as orthodontic implants are wide usable in modern orthodontics. The succesrate of microimplants used for temporary anchorage is varies in the literature. In this study we compare our results with in literature foundable success/failure rates.

Materials and method: In 20 patients  45 miniscrews were implanted. Different screws wasinserted in different places. The age of patienten was between 16-40 years. The recipientplace were maxilla and mandibula too. Three type of screws was inserted (Jeil, Leone, AbsoAnchor)

We analyse the reasons of failures, loosening, bad position, periimplantitis, and break of screw.

Results: Our failure/success rate is similar to the results in literature. With accurate planing, and better insertion technologies the success can improove.

Head of Orthodontic Department
Organizing and leading of orthodontic treatment, tutorial work in orthodontic postgraduate education
St Rokus Hospital, 2.Gyulai P. utca H-1085 Budapest Hungary
  1982- Private praxis Head and owner of praxis   Orthodontic treatments, dental treatments, postgraduate education Dentorg Dental Office, 2/a Gömb u. H-1139 Budapest Hungary     1982-1990 Heim Pál Hospital for Sick Children Orthodontic Department postgraduate student, orthodontist 18. Zoltán u. H-1053 Budapest Hungary   1979-1982 Dental Praxis Újszilvás Dentist 26. Alkotmány utca H-2768 Újszilvás Hungary  
1.      Treatment of deepbite. hands on training on electrodont. prof. Hasund, 14hours
2.      Myofunctional treatment, and bioprogressive technic. prof. Rollet, 14 hours
3.      Diagnosis and treatment   in the bioprogressive treatment. prof. Rollet, 14 hours
4.      Quality and efficiency in orthodontics. Dr. Sampermans, 14 hours
5.      Introduction to bioprogressive treatment. prof. Rollet, 14 hours
6.      Modern orthodontics. Dr.Sampermant, 12 hours
7.      The stability of result of orthodontic treatment. prof. Rollet, 12 hours
8.      Dentition, timing and anomalies. Univ. Debrecen Hungary, 14 hours
9.      Microimplants in orthodontics, hands on course on electrodont. prof. Loidl, 12 hours
10.    Orthodontic gnathology. prof. Breuer, 17 hours
11.    Lingual orthodontics. prof. Loidl, 11 hours
12.    Using of articulators inorthodontics hands on course. prof. Breuer, 11 hours
13.    MBT technic in orthodontics. prof. Bennet, 25 hours
One month training in orthodontics in Hamburg Univ. prof. Hasund
Specialist in orthodontic, Semmelweis University Budapest
Specialist in dentistry, Semmelweis University Budapest
D.M.D degree, Semmelweis University