Title: “Aligner in multidisciplinary treatment”
Nowadays, impaired aesthetics represents the chief concern of most adult patients seeking orthodontic treatment. However, adults, unlike adolescents, frequently require a multidisciplinary approach because of tooth migrations brought on by extractions or periodontal disease. For these patients, such long, multidisciplinary treatments, involving orthodontics, periodontal and surgical procedures and prosthetic rehabilitations, can be overwhelming,
regarding duration as well as treatment complexity. In these situations, there is a clear need for tools that enable efficient communication with the patient and between the members of the medical team. The whole diagnosis and treatment planning process in multidisciplinary Orthodontics has been reformed with the help of
digital tools, virtual smile design representing an integral part of the digital workflow. Digital technology, therefore, has helped to advance and optimize orthodontic treatment planning, diagnosis, and implementation. Utilizing digital tools in orthodontics has the goal of making procedures quicker, more predictable, more aesthetically pleasing, and more
comfortable for the patient, ensuring optimum treatment results and patient satisfaction.
Dr. Ioan “Johnny” Barbur – a absolvit ca si tehnician dentar in anul 2000, ulterior desfasurandu-si activitatea la catedra de Ortodontie si Ortopedie Dento-Faciala a Universitatii de Medicina si Farmacie Iuliu Hatieganu, Cluj-Napoca, Romania.
In 2006 a primit licenta in Stomatologie si ulterior medic specialist in Ortodontie si Ortopedie Dento- Faciala si medic specialist Chirurgie Dento-Alveolara
Din 2008 este asistent universitar la Universitatea din Cluj-Napoca, secția Chirurgie Maxilo-Facială si Implantologie , colaborând în cazuri interdisciplinare, tratamentul despicăturilor labio-maxilo-palatine și chirurgie ortognatică .
Din 2009, infiinteaza clinica OrtoLife dedicata exclusiv ortodontie: , in Cluj-Napoca, Romania, impreuna cu dr Adina Barbur. Impreuna sustin cursuri de specialitate in cadrul SynergyO Academy.
Este foarte interesat de inovatiile digitale, de abordarea holistica a pacientului si patologia articulatiei temporo-mandibulare, deoarece a studiat mai multe filosofii în acest domeniu, cum ar fi cursul FACE, Viena School on Interdisciplinary Dentitry in Slavicek Foundation și Masterclass-ul Mariano Rocabado in TMD.
Este membru al AREO, AAO, EOS și WFO .