Title: “Highlights in maxillofacial deformities and malformations: from diagnosis to plan and treatment



Over the past decades, surgery of maxillofacial deformities and malformations has increasingly acquired precision from improved diagnostic and planning. From the routinely performed radiographs, photographs, dental casts and clinical investigation, to digital planning with case designers, the algorithm must follow standard conventional guidelines and lead to validated improved interventions as well. Each affected region is given focused consideration, with attention to facial asymmetries, especially in the area of the posterior dental arches. Complex, severe cases require a staged approach. A comprehensive strategy is elaborated accordingly.  

Cleft lip and palate (CLP), the most common craniofacial malformation, producing severe esthetic and functional alterations, requires a very complex rehabilitation by a multidisciplinary team.

From neonatal molding to staged surgery and orthodontics, treatment addresses the lip, alveolus, hard and soft palate, as well as the nose deformity. During growth monitoring, special focus is directed towards imaging diagnosis for dose reduction and optimization of radiologic examination in children.

At a later stage, orthognathic therapy and rhino-septoplasty complete the comprehensive treatment offering the patients an improved social and professional insertion.

Prof. Dr. Mihaela Băciuț is professor and chair at the Department of Maxillofacial Surgery and Implantology, Faculty of Dental Medicine and Vice-Rector for Scientific Research of the “Iuliu Hatieganu” University of Medicine and Pharmacy Cluj-Napoca, Romania.
She also is Vice-president of the Romanian Society of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery (SRCOMF). She coordinated and participated in 23 national and international scientific and educational projects and collaborative researches.

With more than 100 scientific publications and an h-index of 17, she is involved in multidisciplinary research collaborations, with specific focus on ultrasonography in maxillofacial surgery, implant-supported tissue reconstruction and regeneration, stem cell- based regeneration, tissue engineering, craniofacial surgery, biomaterials and craniofacial bone reconstruction. Research and clinical management of malformations of the head and neck as well as dento-maxillofacial deformities are also key domains in her activity.