Title: Digital workflow in interdisciplinary treatment



Preprosthetic orthodontic treatment is usually an integral part of comprehensive oral rehabilitation. The goals of such treatment are optimizing dentofacial esthetics and improving masticatory function. The importance of multidisciplinary approach are underlined and illustrated with clinical cases. The digital workflow increases the predictability of the treatment results and enhances the communication with the team members and patients.

The digital workflow of preprosthetic orthodontics will remain an important tool in the complex interdisciplinary cases.


Pop Silvia Izabella 

Orthodontist, PhD, Assistant Professor at the Department of Orthodontics, George Emil Palade University of Medicine, Pharmacy, Science, and Technology of Targu Mures, Romania

Fields of interest/research: biomechanical properties of orthodontic archwires and miniimplants, evaluation of esthetic changes after orthodontic therapy

52 published articles,22 in ISI impact factor journals

Clinical activity in Natural Smile Dental Clinic by Dr Pop