Title: The role of 3D technologies in orthognathic surgery

Prof. Univ. Dr. Victor Costan, Prof. Univ. Dr. Irina Zetu



Orthognathic surgery is one of the great beneficiaries of the development of 3D technologies. Their use starts from the simplest indications such as the use of intraoral scanners to the use of jaw movement design programs in orthognathic surgery. Last but not least, the correction of asymmetries is much easier to manage through 3D modeling. The usefulness goes from the simple realization of cephalometrics to the educational process, which allows residents to better understand the complex surgeon-orthodontist collaboration.

Prof. Univ. Habil. Dr. Victor-Vlad Costan

Full professor of Oral and Maxillo-Facial Surgery,

Head of Surgical Department ofFaculty of Dentary Medicine, University of Medecine and Pharmacy “Grigore T. Popa” Iasi

Oral and Maxillo-Facial surgeon at Emergency Hospital “St Spiridon” Iasi

Director of the Surgical Department.